(+84) 836818818

How to expedite an application

Expedite Vietna e-Visa

How can I expedite an existing applictaion?

We can expedite your existing application on Vietnam Immigration website as our fee list. If we can expedite your existing application.

  • You need send us your Registration Code and registred email to our email visa@evietnamvisa.vn or Whatsapp number: +84 836818818
  • We will check your application and send your confirmation with payment link to your email.


Working time in Vietnam from Monday to Friday (8:00AM -12:00PM and 2:00PM – 6:00PM)

No Kind of service Fee of total
1 Urgent: 2 working days 45 USD
2 Urgent: 1 working day 70 USD
3 Urgent: 4 working hours 105 USD
4 Super Urgent: 2 working hours 170 USD
5 Super Urgent: 1 working hour 220USD

Urgent 2 working days:

  • For Urgent 2 days: Apply bore 8.00AM (Vietnam Time) and received E-visa till 6:00PM next day

Urgent 1 working day:

  • In the Morning: Apply before 8:00AM received E-visa till 6:00PM the same day. If your application is submited after 8:00AM, your e-Visa will be issued by 12:00PM on the next working day.
  • In the Afternoon: Apply before 2:00PM received E-visa till 12:00PM the next day

Urgent 4 working hours:

  • In the Morning: Apply before 8:00AM received E-visa till 12:00PM the same day. If your application is submited after 8:00AM, your e-Visa will be issued by 6:00PM on the same working day.
  • In the Afternoon: Apply before 2:00PM received E-visa till 6:00PM the same day. If your application is submited after 2:00 PM, your e-Visa will be issued by 12:00PM on the next working day.

 Super Urgent 1 and 2 working hours:

  • You will get e-Visa in 1 or 2 hours in Working time (8:00AM to 6:00PM from Monday to Friday) as your option in processing time from Monday to Friday.
